The Most Popular Protestant Denominations in Ireland

Protestantism is a popular denomination that started in Germany around 1517. Today, Protestantism has spread to almost all countries of the world. In Ireland, Christianity is dominant with a small section of the population being Protestants. The most popular protestant denominations in Ireland include:

Church of Ireland

The Church of Ireland is an Irish Christian church which is the second largest after the Roman Catholic Church. This protestant denomination believes in an episcopal polity and does not regard the Pope’s supremacy. Founded by Saint Patrick, the church has its headquarters at the Church of Ireland House Church Avenue Dublin. Currently, the church has 375,400 Christians.


Presbyterianism is a protestant denomination in Ireland that began in 1610 and had about 51,469 people in 1891. This popular denomination has its origin in Scotland deriving its name from the presbyterian form of church government. It got to Ireland after several Scottish Presbyterians migrated into the country.


The Methodist denomination of Ireland is popular as it attracts about 53,668 Protestants. Currently, the denomination has 232 congregations that share 108 ministers. This denomination started in 1784 and believes in the connectionalism polity. It works closely with the Methodist Church in Britain.


This is a popular Irish denomination alternatively known as Pentecostal. It is a growing denomination in the country. It has various churches such as the IPC Pentecostal Church of Ireland, Ireland Pentecostal Assembly and the Indian Pentecostal Church of God.


The Lutheran Church of Ireland, albeit small, has been experiencing a steady growth in the number of members. The widespread denomination in Ireland has a close relationship with the Evangelical Church in Germany. Its mother parish is located in Dublin. Most of its services are held in the German language apart from the one on the final Sunday of the month which is held in English. According to the census report of 2016, the church had 5,319 members.
